
时间:2023-03-09 06:21:12

在有些情况下我们需要按指定顺序输出数据,比如选择了ID in(3,1,2,5,4)我们希望按这个3,1,2,5,4的顺序输出,这样只使用order by ID是无法实现的,

但是我们可以使用order by charindex(','+convert(varchar,ID)+',',',3,1,2,5,4,')的方法来实现这个目的。举例如下:

Create Table info(

ID int identity(1,1) not null,

title varchar(100) not null


insert into info(title) values('aa')
insert into info(title) values ('bb')
insert into info(title)values('cc')
insert into info(title) values('dd')
insert into info(title)values('ee') /*方法一:*/
select id,title from info where id in ('','','','','') order by charindex(','+convert(varchar,ID)+',' , ',3,1,2,5,4,') /*方法二:*/
select id,title from info where id in ('','','','','')
--where id in ('1','2','3','4','5') order by CHARINDEX(RTRIM(CAST(id as NCHAR)), ',3,1,2,5,4,') /*其它示例*/
select prx_class,prx_name,isnull(sum(sunMen),0) as sunMen,isnull(sum(sumMoney),0) as sumMoney from
( select prx_class,prx_code,prx_name,isnull(sum(money),0) as sunMen, case when prx_code='项目冲减' then isnull(sum(num),0) * -1 else isnull(sum(num),0) end as sumMoney
from receive_paybill
WHERE the_date >='2014/6/1 0:00:00' AND the_date<='2014/6/10 0:00:00' and prx_code is not null and prx_code<>'' and substoreid=''
group by prx_code,prx_name,prx_class
) as tb
group by prx_name,prx_class
--order by CHARINDEX(RTRIM(CAST(prx_class as NCHAR)),',小商品,钟点房费,会员卡费,房费,') desc
order by charindex(','+prx_class+',',',小商品,钟点房费,会员卡费,房费,') desc