Searching the String - ZOJ 3228(ac自动机)

时间:2023-03-09 19:08:59
Searching the String - ZOJ 3228(ac自动机)
题目大意:首先给你一下母串,长度不超过10^5,然后有 N(10^5) 次查询,每次查询有两种命令,0或者1,然后加一个子串,询问母串里面有多少个子串,0表示可以重复,1表示不可以重复。
using namespace std; const int MAXN = 6e5+;
const int MaxSon = ; char MumStr[MAXN];
int Num[MAXN], op[MAXN]; struct Ac_Trie
int next[MAXN][MaxSon];
int Fail[MAXN];
int End[MAXN], Len[MAXN];
int ans[MAXN][];///保存两种状态的答案
int root, cnt; int newnode()
for(int i=; i<MaxSon; i++)
next[cnt][i] = -;
Len[cnt] = Fail[cnt] = false;
End[cnt] = -;
ans[cnt][] = ans[cnt][] = ; return cnt++;
void InIt()
cnt = ;
root = newnode();
int Insert(char s[])
int i, now = root; for(i=; s[i]; i++)
int k = s[i] - 'a'; if(next[now][k] == -)
next[now][k] = newnode();
now = next[now][k];
} Len[now] = i; return now;
void GetFail()
queue<int> Q;
int i, now = root; for(i=; i<MaxSon; i++)
if(next[now][i] == -)
next[now][i] = root;
Fail[next[now][i]] = root;
} while(Q.size())
now = Q.front();
Q.pop(); for(i=; i<MaxSon; i++)
if(next[now][i] == -)
next[now][i] = next[Fail[now]][i];
Fail[next[now][i]] = next[Fail[now]][i];
void Query(char MumStr[])
int i, now = root, temp; for(i=; MumStr[i]; i++)
int k = MumStr[i] - 'a'; now = next[now][k]; if(!now)continue; temp = now; while(temp != root)
if(Len[temp] && (i-End[temp] >= Len[temp]) )
ans[temp][]++, End[temp] = i; temp = Fail[temp];
Ac_Trie ac;
int main()
int i, M, t=; while(scanf("%s", MumStr) != EOF)
char s[];
ac.InIt(); scanf("%d", &M); for(i=; i<=M; i++)
scanf("%d%s", &op[i], s);
Num[i] = ac.Insert(s);
} ac.GetFail();
ac.Query(MumStr); printf("Case %d\n", t++);
for(i=; i<=M; i++)
printf("%d\n", ac.ans[Num[i]][op[i]]);
} return ;