
时间:2023-03-09 19:33:13


// queuetp.h -- queue template with a nested class
#ifndef QUEUETP_H_
#define QUEUETP_H_ template <class Item>
class QueueTP
enum {Q_SIZE = };
// Node is a nested class definition
class Node
Item item;
Node * next;
Node(const Item & i) : item(i), next() {}
Node * front; // pointer to front of Queue
Node * rear; // pointer to rear of Queue
int items; // current number of items in Queue
const int qsize; // maximum number of items in Queue
QueueTP(const QueueTP & q) : qsize() {}
QueueTP & operator=(const QueueTP & q) { return *this; }
QueueTP(int qs = Q_SIZE);
bool isempty() const
return items == ;
bool isfull() const
return items == qsize;
int queuecount() const
return items;
bool enqueue(const Item &item); // add item to end
bool dequeue(Item &item); // remove item from front
// QueueTP methods
template <class Item>
QueueTP<Item>::QueueTP(int qs) : qsize(qs)
front = rear = ;
items = ;
} template <class Item>
Node * temp;
while (front != ) // while queue is not yet empty
temp = front;
front = front->next;
delete temp;
} // Add item to queue
template <class Item>
bool QueueTP<Item>::enqueue(const Item & item)
if (isfull())
return false;
Node * add = new Node(item); // create node
// on failure, new throws std::bad_alloc exception
items ++;
if (front == ) // if queue is empty
front = add; // place item at front
rear->next = add; // else place at rear
rear = add;
return true;
} // Place front item into item variable and remove from queue
template <class Item>
bool QueueTP<Item>::dequeue(Item & item)
if (front == )
return false;
item = front->item; // set item to first item in queue
items --;
Node * temp = front; // save location of first item
front = front->next; // reset front to next item
delete temp; // delete former first item
if (items == )
rear = ;
return true;
} #endif // QUEUETP_H_

QueueTp<double> dq;
QueueTp<char> cq;

//nested.cpp -- using a queue that has a nested class
#include <iostream> #include <string>
#include "queuetp.h" int main()
using std::string;
using std::cin;
using std::cout; QueueTP<string> cs();
string temp; while (!cs.isfull())
cout << "Please enter your name. You will be "
<< "served in the order of arrival.\n"
<< "name: ";
getline(cin, temp);
cout << "The queue is full. Processing begins!\n"; while (!cs.isempty())
cout << "Now processing " << temp << "...\n";
return ;


Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: moonlit
Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: moon
Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: light
Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: moonlight poet
Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: paul jackson
The queue is full. Processing begins!
Now processing moonlit...
Now processing moon...
Now processing light...
Now processing moonlight poet...
Now processing paul jackson...