
时间:2022-09-18 14:27:18



on error resume next 
call catch("显示给用户的提示信息") 




option explicit 
'必须和on error resume next一起使用,但在网页没有正式发布之前最好将其注释掉,以免在调试时看不到出错详细信息 
on error resume next 

call catch("页面无法访问") 
function conn() 
'必须和on error resume next一起使用 
on error resume next 
call catch("数据库打开错误") 
end function 
sub catch(str) 
if err.number <> 0 then 
dim tmp,path 
path = "/table/error_log.txt" 
tmp = tmp & "出错页面:" & geturl & vbcrlf 
tmp = tmp & "错误时间:" & now() & vbcrlf 
tmp = tmp & "来访IP:" & ip & vbcrlf 
tmp = tmp & "提示信息:" & str & vbcrlf 
tmp = tmp & "错误代号:" & err.number & vbcrlf 
tmp = tmp & "错误信息:" & err.description & vbcrlf 
tmp = tmp & "应用程序:" & err.source & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & vbcrlf 
tmp = tmp & file_read(path) 
call file_save(tmp,path,1) 
end if 
end sub 
sub echo(str) 
end sub 
sub die(str) 
echo(str) : response.end() 
end sub 
function ip() 
ip = request.servervariables("remote_addr") 
end function 
function geturl() 
dim tmp 
if lcase(request.servervariables("https")) = "off" then 
tmp = "http://" 
tmp = "https://" 
end if 
tmp = tmp & request.servervariables("server_name") 
if request.servervariables("server_port") <> 80 then 
tmp = tmp & ":" & request.servervariables("server_port") 
end if 
tmp = tmp & request.servervariables("url") 
if trim(request.querystring) <> "" then 
tmp = tmp & "?" & trim(request.queryString) 
end if 
geturl = tmp 
end function 
function file_read(path) 
dim tmp : tmp = "false" 
if not file_exists(path) then file_read = tmp : exit function 
dim stream : set stream = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") 
with stream 
.type = 2 '文本类型 
.mode = 3 '读写模式 
.charset = "gb2312" 
tmp = .readtext() 
end with 
stream.close : set stream = nothing 
file_read = tmp 
end function 
function file_save(str,path,model) 
if model<>0 and model<>1 then model=1 
if model=0 and file_exists(path) then file_save=true : exit function 
dim stream : set stream = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") 
with stream 
.type = 2 '文本类型 
.charset = "gb2312" 
.writetext str 
end with 
stream.close : set stream = nothing 
file_save = file_exists(path) 
end function 
function file_exists(path) 
dim tmp : tmp = false 
dim fso : set fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FilesyStemObject") 
if fso.fileexists(server.MapPath(path)) then tmp = true 
if fso.folderexists(server.MapPath(path)) then tmp = true 
set fso = nothing 
file_exists = tmp 
end function 