
时间:2022-09-20 13:55:06

I have followed this article: to create a foreign key between two tables. Every single attempt fails. Is there anything that I am missing?!


It's really frustrating and I never expected to encounter this issue at all!



4 个解决方案


You don't show what you tried or what the error was, so all of the answers are only guesswork.


Here's a checklist of things that must be true before foreign keys can work:


  • InnoDB storage engine must be enabled.


    mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_innodb';
  • Both tables must use the InnoDB storage engine (MyISAM doesn't support referential integrity constraints).


    mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE <parent_table>;
    mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE <child_table>;
  • The column(s) in the referenced table must be the leftmost column(s) of a key. Typically this is the PRIMARY KEY, but InnoDB actually allows them to be part of any key.

    引用表中的列必须是键的最左列。通常这是PRIMARY KEY,但InnoDB实际上允许它们成为任何键的一部分。

  • The foreign key column and its referenced primary key column must be of exactly the same data type (must match signed vs. unsigned, int vs. bigint, string charset, etc.). Only the string length is allowed to be different.


  • You have to get the constraint declaration syntax right. :-)

    您必须正确获取约束声明语法。 :-)

  • If you're adding a constraint to a populated table, all the existing values must satisfy the constraint (thanks to Jordan S. Jones' answer on this thread).

    如果要向填充表添加约束,则所有现有值必须满足约束(感谢Jordan S. Jones在此线程中的答案)。


What exactly is going wrong? We can't really help you without details...


mysql> CREATE TABLE parent (id INT NOT NULL,
    ->                      PRIMARY KEY (id)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE child (id INT, parent_id INT,
    ->                     INDEX par_ind (parent_id),
    ->                     FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent(id)
    ->                       ON DELETE CASCADE
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

Works fine for me.



One thing you have to remember, that if you're child table/column has values that don't exist in the parent table/column, you will always get an error.




use trading_research;
drop table if exists stock_history;
create table stock_history
        company_id integer(4) NOT NULL,
        price_date date NOT NULL,
        primary key(company_id, price_date),
        opening_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        closing_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        high_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        low_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        adjusted_closing_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        volume decimal(20, 2) NULL,
        constraint foreign key (company_id) references stock_company (company_id) on delete cascade on update cascade

If you give details of what you're trying and/or the errors you get, I can help more.



You don't show what you tried or what the error was, so all of the answers are only guesswork.


Here's a checklist of things that must be true before foreign keys can work:


  • InnoDB storage engine must be enabled.


    mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_innodb';
  • Both tables must use the InnoDB storage engine (MyISAM doesn't support referential integrity constraints).


    mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE <parent_table>;
    mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE <child_table>;
  • The column(s) in the referenced table must be the leftmost column(s) of a key. Typically this is the PRIMARY KEY, but InnoDB actually allows them to be part of any key.

    引用表中的列必须是键的最左列。通常这是PRIMARY KEY,但InnoDB实际上允许它们成为任何键的一部分。

  • The foreign key column and its referenced primary key column must be of exactly the same data type (must match signed vs. unsigned, int vs. bigint, string charset, etc.). Only the string length is allowed to be different.


  • You have to get the constraint declaration syntax right. :-)

    您必须正确获取约束声明语法。 :-)

  • If you're adding a constraint to a populated table, all the existing values must satisfy the constraint (thanks to Jordan S. Jones' answer on this thread).

    如果要向填充表添加约束,则所有现有值必须满足约束(感谢Jordan S. Jones在此线程中的答案)。


What exactly is going wrong? We can't really help you without details...


mysql> CREATE TABLE parent (id INT NOT NULL,
    ->                      PRIMARY KEY (id)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE child (id INT, parent_id INT,
    ->                     INDEX par_ind (parent_id),
    ->                     FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent(id)
    ->                       ON DELETE CASCADE
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

Works fine for me.



One thing you have to remember, that if you're child table/column has values that don't exist in the parent table/column, you will always get an error.




use trading_research;
drop table if exists stock_history;
create table stock_history
        company_id integer(4) NOT NULL,
        price_date date NOT NULL,
        primary key(company_id, price_date),
        opening_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        closing_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        high_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        low_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        adjusted_closing_price decimal(10,2) NULL,
        volume decimal(20, 2) NULL,
        constraint foreign key (company_id) references stock_company (company_id) on delete cascade on update cascade

If you give details of what you're trying and/or the errors you get, I can help more.
