
时间:2022-09-06 21:32:29

Is there an online resource that shows how to write a simple (but robust) RESTFUL server/client (preferably with authentication), written in Python?


The objective is to be able to write my own lightweight RESTFUL services without being encumbered by an entire web framework. Having said that, if there is a way to do this (i.e. write RESFUL services) in a lightweight manner using Django, I'd be equally interested.


Actually, coming to thing of it, I may even PREFER a Django based solution (provided its lightweight enough - i.e. does not bring the whole framework into play), since I will be able to take advantage of only the components I need, in order to implement better security/access to the services.

实际上,为了解决这个问题,我甚至可以选择基于Django的解决方案(提供足够的轻量级 - 即不会使整个框架发挥作用),因为我将能够仅利用我需要的组件,按顺序实现更好的安全/访问服务。

2 个解决方案



Well, first of all you can use django-piston, as @Tudorizer already mentioned.


But then again, as I see it (and I might be wrong!), REST is more of a set of design guidelines, rather than a concrete API. What it essentially says is that the interaction with your service should not be based on 'things you can do' (typical RPC-style methods), but rather 'things, you can act on in predictable ways, organized in a certain way' (the 'resource' entity and http verbs).

但是,正如我所看到的那样(我可能错了!),REST更多的是一套设计指南,而不是具体的API。它本质上说的是,与您的服务的交互不应该基于“您可以做的事情”(典型的RPC风格的方法),而是“事物,您可以以可预测的方式采取行动,以某种方式组织”( '资源'实体和http动词)。

That being said, you don't need anything extra to write REST-style services using django.


Consider the following:


# urlconf
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^tickets$', '', name='tickets'),
    url(r'^ticket/(?P<id>\d+)$', '', name='ticket'),
    url(r'^ticket$', '', name='ticket'),

# views
def tickets(request):
    tickets = Ticket.objects.all()
    return render_to_response('tickets.html', {'tickets':tickets})

def ticket(request, id=None):
    if id is not None:
        ticket = get_object_or_404(Ticket, id=id)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # create or update ticket here
        # just render the ticket (GET)

... and so on.

... 等等。

What matters is how your service is exposed to its user, not the library/toolkit/framework it uses.




This one looks promising. I've used it before and it's pretty nifty. Having said that, it doesn't seem maintained recently.




Well, first of all you can use django-piston, as @Tudorizer already mentioned.


But then again, as I see it (and I might be wrong!), REST is more of a set of design guidelines, rather than a concrete API. What it essentially says is that the interaction with your service should not be based on 'things you can do' (typical RPC-style methods), but rather 'things, you can act on in predictable ways, organized in a certain way' (the 'resource' entity and http verbs).

但是,正如我所看到的那样(我可能错了!),REST更多的是一套设计指南,而不是具体的API。它本质上说的是,与您的服务的交互不应该基于“您可以做的事情”(典型的RPC风格的方法),而是“事物,您可以以可预测的方式采取行动,以某种方式组织”( '资源'实体和http动词)。

That being said, you don't need anything extra to write REST-style services using django.


Consider the following:


# urlconf
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^tickets$', '', name='tickets'),
    url(r'^ticket/(?P<id>\d+)$', '', name='ticket'),
    url(r'^ticket$', '', name='ticket'),

# views
def tickets(request):
    tickets = Ticket.objects.all()
    return render_to_response('tickets.html', {'tickets':tickets})

def ticket(request, id=None):
    if id is not None:
        ticket = get_object_or_404(Ticket, id=id)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # create or update ticket here
        # just render the ticket (GET)

... and so on.

... 等等。

What matters is how your service is exposed to its user, not the library/toolkit/framework it uses.




This one looks promising. I've used it before and it's pretty nifty. Having said that, it doesn't seem maintained recently.
