
时间:2022-08-24 23:26:15

After calling notifydatasetchanged(); I want to scroll to the bottom of list so that user see the last record in the Listview.


(I am writing Chat module so for that purpose I need latest record at the bottom of list to be visible)


Can any one guide me how to achieve this?


3 个解决方案





listView.post(new Runnable(){
  public void run() {
    listView.setSelection(listView.getCount() - 1);

The 'post' seems to be required sometime in my experience, particularly if you have very recently updated the list.




I know that this has been answered and you took the answer and it was more than a year ago. But a better way to do this is Transcript Mode. For a demo, see the Android API Demo under Views > Lists > Transcript.

我知道这已经得到了解答,你接受了答案,这是一年多以前的事了。但更好的方法是成绩单模式。有关演示,请参阅视图>列表>转录下的Android API演示。

You would set the following on your list view in the XML.



It will always work whenever you call notifyDataSetChanged(). You can set android:transcriptMode to normal instead if you want an even better result for chat applications: it will scroll to the bottom only if the last item was already in view. That way your users can view the previous chat without interruption when other users chat.




I know its very late to answer but may be it will help someone. Using android:transcriptMode="alwaysScroll" will force the listview to scroll to bottom (as here we have used android:stackFromBottom="true") even if you'll try to scroll top which usually required most of the time. So instead of android:transcriptMode="alwaysScroll you can use android:transcriptMode="normal which will behave similar to the requirement of chat app and will not force the list of scroll always if the user want to see the content at the top.

我知道它的回答很晚,但可能会对某人有所帮助。使用android:transcriptMode =“alwaysScroll”将强制列表视图滚动到底部(因为这里我们使用了android:stackFromBottom =“true”),即使你将尝试滚动顶部,这通常需要大部分时间。因此,而不是android:transcriptMode =“alwaysScroll你可以使用android:transcriptMode =”normal,它的行为类似于聊天应用程序的要求,并且如果用户想要在顶部看到内容,则不会强制滚动列表。





listView.post(new Runnable(){
  public void run() {
    listView.setSelection(listView.getCount() - 1);

The 'post' seems to be required sometime in my experience, particularly if you have very recently updated the list.




I know that this has been answered and you took the answer and it was more than a year ago. But a better way to do this is Transcript Mode. For a demo, see the Android API Demo under Views > Lists > Transcript.

我知道这已经得到了解答,你接受了答案,这是一年多以前的事了。但更好的方法是成绩单模式。有关演示,请参阅视图>列表>转录下的Android API演示。

You would set the following on your list view in the XML.



It will always work whenever you call notifyDataSetChanged(). You can set android:transcriptMode to normal instead if you want an even better result for chat applications: it will scroll to the bottom only if the last item was already in view. That way your users can view the previous chat without interruption when other users chat.




I know its very late to answer but may be it will help someone. Using android:transcriptMode="alwaysScroll" will force the listview to scroll to bottom (as here we have used android:stackFromBottom="true") even if you'll try to scroll top which usually required most of the time. So instead of android:transcriptMode="alwaysScroll you can use android:transcriptMode="normal which will behave similar to the requirement of chat app and will not force the list of scroll always if the user want to see the content at the top.

我知道它的回答很晚,但可能会对某人有所帮助。使用android:transcriptMode =“alwaysScroll”将强制列表视图滚动到底部(因为这里我们使用了android:stackFromBottom =“true”),即使你将尝试滚动顶部,这通常需要大部分时间。因此,而不是android:transcriptMode =“alwaysScroll你可以使用android:transcriptMode =”normal,它的行为类似于聊天应用程序的要求,并且如果用户想要在顶部看到内容,则不会强制滚动列表。